Meet Yourself
Self-love, understanding, and education are key elements in the development of every person, both spiritually and intellectually.
My name is Modesta Böhler, I am a certified life and business coach, a diversity trainer and a teacher of presence.
I empower you to build bridges between your spiritual values with the world of conscious business to integrate all aspects of your life. I guide clients to create visions of progress and set goals. I will show you how to use tools that will help you in the process of change.
I invite you to work with me on your development
– start your transformation today!
Self-love, understanding, and education are key elements in the development of every person, both spiritually and intellectually.
My name is Modesta Böhler, I am a certified life and business coach, a diversity trainer and a teacher of presence.
I empower you to build bridges between your spiritual values with the world of conscious business to integrate all aspects of your life. I guide clients to create visions of progress and set goals. I will show you how to use tools that will help you in the process of change.
I invite you to work with me on your development
– start your transformation today!
My Method
Conscious Self – Management (CSM), which I use in my coaching sessions, is the result of 15 years of professional work and consulting experience. This clear framework allows my clients to quickly understand the complexity of human action in different contexts, as well as the influence that spirituality has on us.
During a session with me, you will learn how to observe your own thoughts, recognize patterns and achieve inner peace. This peace is essential for introspection, making changes in life and starting new stages.
Conscious Self-Management is not only a method
– it is a way of life.
- Life Coaching
- Executive Coaching
Life Coaching
#treffe dich selbst
Hast du dich schon einmal gefragt, warum du trotz deines großen Engagements für Arbeit, Familie, Bildung und soziale Beziehungen immer noch ein Gefühl der Unzulänglichkeit verspürst? Selbst wenn du mehr Ziele erreichst, erlebst du nicht die volle Freude über ihre Erreichung, und das Gefühl der Zufriedenheit vergeht schnell. Auf der Suche nach Informationen über Bewusstsein und menschliche Entwicklung versuchst du, deine Fähigkeiten zu verbessern, indem du Ratgeber liest, Hörbücher hörst, an verschiedenen Schulungen teilnimmst, aber ein Teil von dir bleibt immer noch unzufrieden. Vielleicht ist es an der Zeit, einen genaueren Blick zu werfen, zu erfahren, wer du wirklich bist, und die Gründe für dieses Gefühl der Unzulänglichkeit zu entdecken.
Atme tief durch, halte inne, setze dich und rede. Wenn du das Gefühl hast, dass diese Worte mit dir in Resonanz gehen, lade ich dich ein, dich bei mir zu melden.
#liebe dich selbst
Was bedeutet es, sich selbst zu lieben? Wie kannst du dich selbst vollständig lieben und annehmen? Wie findest du inneren Frieden trotz des Chaos um dich herum? Mensch zu sein bedeutet nicht nur, sich auf sich selbst und die eigenen Bedürfnisse zu konzentrieren, sondern auch in der Lage zu sein, in Harmonie mit anderen und der Umwelt zu leben. Doch ein solches globales Miteinander beginnt mit der Integration und Akzeptanz des Einzelnen.
Im Rahmen der #loveyourself-Sitzung werden wir uns die Unterschiede zwischen der Stimme des Herzens und des Verstandes ansehen. Durch tiefes Nachdenken, die Erforschung deiner eigenen Überzeugungen und Werte und praktische Techniken zur Selbstwahrnehmung werden wir uns darauf konzentrieren, deine Bedürfnisse zu verstehen und inneren Frieden zu finden. In dieser Sitzung wirst du entdecken, wie du authentische Selbstliebe aufbaust. Ich werde dir Strategien zeigen, um deine Energie und deine Gedanken zu managen. Diese Werkzeuge helfen dir, dich selbstständig von den inneren Dialogen zu befreien, die dich kritisieren. Entdecke Mitgefühl und Verständnis für dich selbst und hülle dich in bedingungslose Liebe.
Wenn du das Gefühl hast, dass diese Worte mit dir in Resonanz gehen, lade ich dich ein, dich bei mir zu melden.
#und was jetzt?
Es gibt Momente im Leben, in denen du das Gefühl hast, immer noch am selben Punkt festzustecken, und der Weg nach vorne scheint unmöglich. Fragen tauchen um dich herum auf, auf die du keine fertigen Antworten hast. Alles wird überwältigend, jenseits deiner Fähigkeiten. Vielleicht hast du eine Schlüsselentscheidung getroffen, die sich richtig anfühlte, aber jetzt fehlt dir die Vision, die nächsten Schritte. Das macht dich ängstlich und lässt dich vor dem Unbekannten fürchten. Immer häufiger begegnest du dem Motto, im „Hier und Jetzt“ zu leben, und fragst dich, was das eigentlich bedeutet.
In dieser Sitzung werde ich dir helfen, deine Stärken wiederzuentdecken, deine Handlungsfähigkeit zu stärken und Schritte im Einklang mit deiner Vision und Persönlichkeit zu unternehmen. Gemeinsam analysieren wir, warum deine bisherigen Handlungen nicht funktioniert haben. Ich werde dir erklären, was die Philosophie des „Hier und Jetzt“ bedeutet und wie du sie in den Alltag übersetzen kannst. Ich werde dir beibringen, Gedanken zu erkennen und zu beseitigen, die deine Möglichkeiten einschränken und dir die Lebensfreude nehmen.
Was meinst du? Bist du bereit für diese Entdeckungsreise?
Wenn ja, lade ich dich ein, unser Treffen hier und jetzt zu haben.
Executive Coaching
Bewusstes Management- Wir werden deine Führungsmethode analysieren.
- Gemeinsam entwickeln wir einen personalisierten Führungsstil, der dich in deinen Handlungen stärkt und dich beim Aufbau von Glaubwürdigkeit unterstützt.
- Wir untersuchen die Teamdynamik und identifizieren die wichtigen Entwicklungsfelder.
- Ich zeige dir, wie du Ziele effektiv formulierst, die realistisch, messbar und an die Bedürfnisse von dir und deinem Team angepasst sind.
- Du wirst deine Fähigkeiten in der assertiven Kommunikation entwickeln, die in professionellen Interaktionen unerlässlich sind.
- Du wirst Techniken beherrschen, um schwierige Gespräche mit Mitarbeitern zu führen und lernst, wie du konstruktives und motivierendes Feedback gibst.
- Du wirst verstehen, wie Diversität im Team den Erfolg beeinflusst und wie du diese gezielt einsetzen kannst, um bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen.
- Du wirst Techniken lernen, um berufliche und private Verpflichtungen auszubalancieren, was für effektives Zeitmanagement entscheidend ist.
- Du wirst lernen, Aufgaben effektiv zu delegieren.
- Du wirst herausfinden, welche Tätigkeiten unnötig deine Energie rauben und nicht mit deinem Energielevel in Einklang stehen.
- Du wirst neue Rituale einführen, die dich dabei unterstützen, langfristige Verbesserungen in deinem Wohlbefinden und deiner Produktivität zu erzielen.
Life Coaching
#meet yourself
Have you ever wondered why, despite your immense commitment to work, family, education and social relationships, you still feel a kind of inadequacy? Even when you achieve more goals, you don’t experience the full joy of achieving them, and the feeling of satisfaction quickly passes. Searching for information about consciousness and human development, you try to improve your skills by reading how-to books, listening to audio books, attending various training courses, but there is still a part of you that remains unsatisfied. Maybe it’s time to take a closer look, get to know who you really are and discover the reasons for this insufficiency.
Take a breath, stop, sit down and talk. If you feel these words resonate with you, I invite you to reach out to me.
#love yourself
What does it mean to love yourself? How can you love and accept yourself fully? How can you find inner peace despite the chaos around you? Being human is not only about focusing on oneself and one’s own needs, but also about being able to coexist in harmony with others and the environment. However, such global coexistence begins with the integration and acceptance of the individual.
As part of the #loveyourself session, we will look at the differences in the voice of the heart and the mind. Through deep reflection, exploration of your own beliefs and values, and practical self-recognition techniques, we will focus on understanding your needs and finding inner peace. In this session you will discover how to build authentic self-love. I will show you strategies for managing your energy and your own thoughts. These tools will help you independently free yourself from the inner dialogues that criticize you. Rediscover compassion and understanding towards yourself and wrap yourself in unconditional love.
If you feel these words resonate with you, I invite you to reach out to me.
#and what about this life?
There are times in life when you feel that you are still stuck at the same point, and the way forward seems impossible. Questions arise all around you, to which you have no ready answers. Everything becomes overwhelming, beyond your capabilities. You may have made a key decision that seemed right, but now you lack the vision, the next steps. This makes you anxious and fearful of the unknown. All around you, you increasingly encounter the slogan of living “here and now” and wonder what it actually means.
During this session, I will help you rediscover your strengths, strengthening your ability to act and take steps in line with your vision and personality. Together, we’ll analyze why your previous actions didn’t work. I will explain to you what the “here and now” philosophy of life is and how to translate it into everyday life. I will teach you to recognize and eliminate the thoughts that limit your possibilities and deprive you of the joy of life.
What do you think? Are you ready for this journey of discovery?
If so, I invite you to our meeting here and now.
Executive Coaching
Conscious Management
- We will analyze your management methods.
- Together, we will create a personalized style that will strengthen you in your actions and support you in building credibility.
- We will conduct a thorough review of your team’s dynamics and effectiveness, identifying key areas for development.
- I will show you how to effectively set goals that are realistic, measurable, and aligned with the needs of both you and your team.
Team Communication
- You will develop assertive communication skills, which are essential in professional interactions.
- You will master techniques for handling difficult conversations with employees and learn how to provide constructive and motivating feedback.
- You will discover how diversity within the team impacts its success and how you can implement it to achieve better results.
Life Balance
- You will receive techniques for balancing professional and personal responsibilities, which is crucial for effective time management.
- You will learn how to delegate tasks effectively.
- You will find out which activities unnecessarily drain your energy and are misaligned with your energy levels.
- You will introduce new rituals that will support you in achieving long-term improvements in your well-being and productivity.
My Educational Journey
- Master of Advanced Studies ZFH in Supervision and Coaching in Organizations,
Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW – Switzerland - Teacher of Presence: The School of Awakening, Eckhart Tolle California – USA
- Certified Life and Business Coach, Academy Susanne Weber Leadership, Coaching, Communication, Konstanz – Germany
- Certified Teamcoach, Academy Susanne Weber Leadership, Coaching, Communication, Konstanz-Germany
- Diversity Trainer, Living Diversity, Berlin – Germany
- Psychology Business Marketing, Starway Institute, Warsaw – Poland
- The Work. Byron Katie Method – Vienna, Austria
- Continuing Education Institute for Solution-focused Therapy and Counseling. “Hypnosystemic Therapy & Consulting”, PhD Gunther Schmidt, Director Milton-Erickson-Institute Heidelberg, Lenzburg – Switzerland
- Bachelor Professional of Management for Industry, Chamber of Industry and Commerce Konstanz – Germany
Geschäftsführer in Zürich
People crave authenticity
Interview conducted by Mark Seeholzer for "Geschäftsführer in Zürich"
Czwórka Polish Radio
How can understanding ego mechanisms positively affect our goals and performance in sports, and how can they harm us?
Interview conducted by Piotr Galus for "Czwórka Polskie Radio"
Geschäftsführer in Zürich
Achieve your desired goals with the right trainer
Interview conducted by Lone K. Halvorsen for "Geschäftsführer in Zürich"
It depends on you. But I know from experience that often already during the second session it is possible to identify areas worth working on. Further results depend mainly on your commitment and willingness to translate the methods learned into everyday life.
This is a very individual issue. However, I encourage my clients to have a few meetings in quick succession at first, preferably once a week. Subsequent ones are usually to verify progress, possibly to resolve difficulties encountered, and then a meeting once a month or less often is sufficient – it depends on individual preference.
The initial interview is an integral part of the process, which also requires my time and commitment. Often during the first meeting, important conclusions and key elements regarding your personal development emerge.
Whether you choose therapy or coaching, both approaches are the first step toward a deeper understanding of yourself and knowing your needs. Follow your intuition and choose what attracts you most and resonates with you. A good therapist will know in which cases coaching will suffice, as well as a good coach will suggest participating in therapy if he or she feels it will be a better solution for his or her client.
I wouldn’t dare. Each of us is so different, has experienced different life situations and is in our own individual context (country, work, environment), I consider giving life advice unnecessary and ineffective. Who am I? Am I a master of life? :-). A coach is not an advisor. Nevertheless, from time to time I come across the question: what would you do in my place?
Yes, I am a mother of a 10-year-old daughter. I have a dog and I have been married for 24 years :-). You can find more about me here.
Yes. I was raised in Poland and lived there for 17 years. I also lived in Germany for 8 years. Then I spent 15 years in Switzerland, 6 months in the UK, and now I live in the USA.